Bar Chart
This module shows how to build a simple bar chart.
It starts by setting out the basic variables to define a drawing area.
Then it creates scales that encode the x and y dimensions of the bars.
Based on these it sets up axes.
Finally it assembles everything into a chart.
module BarChart exposing (main)
import Axis
import DateFormat
import Scale exposing (BandScale, ContinuousScale, defaultBandConfig)
import Time
import TypedSvg exposing (g, rect, style, svg, text_)
import TypedSvg.Attributes exposing (class, textAnchor, transform, viewBox)
import TypedSvg.Attributes.InPx exposing (height, width, x, y)
import TypedSvg.Core exposing (Svg, text)
import TypedSvg.Types exposing (AnchorAlignment(..), Transform(..))
w : Float
w =
h : Float
h =
padding : Float
padding =
xScale : List ( Time.Posix, Float ) -> BandScale Time.Posix
xScale model = Tuple.first model
|> { defaultBandConfig | paddingInner = 0.1, paddingOuter = 0.2 } ( 0, w - 2 * padding )
yScale : ContinuousScale Float
yScale =
Scale.linear ( h - 2 * padding, 0 ) ( 0, 5 )
dateFormat : Time.Posix -> String
dateFormat =
DateFormat.format [ DateFormat.dayOfMonthFixed, DateFormat.text " ", DateFormat.monthNameAbbreviated ] Time.utc
xAxis : List ( Time.Posix, Float ) -> Svg msg
xAxis model =
Axis.bottom [] (Scale.toRenderable dateFormat (xScale model))
yAxis : Svg msg
yAxis =
Axis.left [ Axis.tickCount 5 ] yScale
column : BandScale Time.Posix -> ( Time.Posix, Float ) -> Svg msg
column scale ( date, value ) =
g [ class [ "column" ] ]
[ rect
[ x <| Scale.convert scale date
, y <| Scale.convert yScale value
, width <| Scale.bandwidth scale
, height <| h - Scale.convert yScale value - 2 * padding
, text_
[ x <| Scale.convert (Scale.toRenderable dateFormat scale) date
, y <| Scale.convert yScale value - 5
, textAnchor AnchorMiddle
[ text <| String.fromFloat value ]
view : List ( Time.Posix, Float ) -> Svg msg
view model =
svg [ viewBox 0 0 w h ]
[ style [] [ text """
.column rect { fill: rgba(118, 214, 78, 0.8); }
.column text { display: none; }
.column:hover rect { fill: rgb(118, 214, 78); }
.column:hover text { display: inline; }
""" ]
, g [ transform [ Translate (padding - 1) (h - padding) ] ]
[ xAxis model ]
, g [ transform [ Translate (padding - 1) padding ] ]
[ yAxis ]
, g [ transform [ Translate padding padding ], class [ "series" ] ] <| (column (xScale model)) model
main : Svg msg
main =
view timeSeries
timeSeries : List ( Time.Posix, Float )
timeSeries =
[ ( Time.millisToPosix 1448928000000, 2.5 )
, ( Time.millisToPosix 1451606400000, 2 )
, ( Time.millisToPosix 1452211200000, 3.5 )
, ( Time.millisToPosix 1452816000000, 2 )
, ( Time.millisToPosix 1453420800000, 3 )
, ( Time.millisToPosix 1454284800000, 1 )
, ( Time.millisToPosix 1456790400000, 1.2 )