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Funnel Chart

Edit on Ellie

Funnel Chart

Shows how to build a Funnel chart. It is quite similar to a bar chart, but with the addition of an extra shape connecting the bars.

The design here follows this great best practices guide.

module FunnelChart exposing (main)

import Color exposing (Color)
import Float.Extra
import List.Extra
import Scale exposing (BandScale, ContinuousScale, SequentialScale, defaultBandConfig)
import Scale.Color
import TypedSvg exposing (g, polygon, rect, svg, text_)
import TypedSvg.Attributes exposing (fill, fillOpacity, fontFamily, points, stroke, textAnchor, transform, viewBox)
import TypedSvg.Attributes.InPx exposing (fontSize, height, strokeWidth, width, x, y)
import TypedSvg.Core exposing (Svg, text)
import TypedSvg.Types exposing (AnchorAlignment(..), Opacity(..), Paint(..), Transform(..))

w : Float
w =

h : Float
h =

titleWidth : Float
titleWidth =

padding : Float
padding =

type alias Datum =
    { title : String
    , value : Float

type Shape
    = Bar Int Datum
    | Connector Datum Datum

-- Here we preprocess the data to create the shapes we want to draw in an interleaved list
-- [Datum "A" 1, Datum "B" 2, Datum "C" 3]
--    -> [ Bar 0 (Datum "A" 1), Connector (Datum "A" 1) (Datum "B" 2),
--        Bar 1 (Datum "B" 2), Connector (Datum "B" 2) (Datum "C" 3),
--        Bar 2 (Datum "C" 3) ]

preprocessed : List Shape
preprocessed =
    List.map2 Connector data (List.drop 1 data)
        |> List.Extra.interweave (List.indexedMap Bar data)

maxValue : Float
maxValue =
        |> List.map .value
        |> List.maximum
        |> Maybe.withDefault 0

xScale : ContinuousScale Float
xScale =
    Scale.linear ( 0, w - 2 * padding - 2 * titleWidth ) ( 0, maxValue )

yScale : BandScale String
yScale =
        |> List.map .title
        |> Scale.band { defaultBandConfig | paddingInner = 0.2 } ( padding, h - padding )

colorScale : SequentialScale Color
colorScale =
    Scale.sequential Scale.Color.bluesInterpolator ( -1, toFloat (List.length data - 1) )

view : Svg msg
view =
        (\shape ->
            case shape of
                Bar index datum ->
                        color =
                            Scale.convert colorScale (toFloat index)
                    g []
                        [ rect
                            [ x (-(Scale.convert xScale datum.value) / 2)
                            , y (Scale.convert yScale datum.title)
                            , width (Scale.convert xScale datum.value)
                            , height (Scale.bandwidth yScale)
                            , fill (Paint color)
                        , text_
                            [ x (-w / 2 + padding)
                            , y (Scale.convert yScale datum.title + Scale.bandwidth yScale / 2)
                            , transform [ Translate 0 5 ]
                            [ text datum.title ]
                        , text_
                            [ x (w / 2 - padding)
                            , y (Scale.convert yScale datum.title + Scale.bandwidth yScale / 2)
                            , transform [ Translate 0 5 ]
                            , textAnchor AnchorEnd
                            [ text (Float.Extra.toFixedDecimalPlaces 1 (100 * datum.value / maxValue) ++ "%") ]
                        , text_
                            [ x 0
                            , y (Scale.convert yScale datum.title + Scale.bandwidth yScale / 2)
                            , transform [ Translate 0 5 ]
                            , textAnchor AnchorMiddle
                            , fill
                                    -- This is a simple way to make sure the text
                                    -- is readable
                                    -- However, you may want a more sophisticated
                                    -- algorithm for other color scales
                                    (if (Color.toHsla color).lightness > 0.5 then

                            , stroke (Paint color)
                            , strokeWidth 3
                            , TypedSvg.Core.attribute "paint-order" "stroke"
                            , fillOpacity (Opacity 0.9)
                            [ text (String.fromFloat datum.value) ]

                Connector top bottom ->
                    g []
                        [ polygon
                            [ points
                                [ ( -(Scale.convert xScale top.value) / 2, Scale.convert yScale top.title + Scale.bandwidth yScale )
                                , ( Scale.convert xScale top.value / 2, Scale.convert yScale top.title + Scale.bandwidth yScale )
                                , ( Scale.convert xScale bottom.value / 2, Scale.convert yScale bottom.title )
                                , ( -(Scale.convert xScale bottom.value) / 2, Scale.convert yScale bottom.title )
                            , fill (Paint (Scale.convert colorScale -1))
                        , text_
                            [ x 0
                            , y (Scale.convert yScale top.title + Scale.bandwidth yScale)
                            , transform [ Translate 0 14 ]
                            , textAnchor AnchorMiddle
                            , fontSize 12
                            , fillOpacity (Opacity 0.7)
                            [ text (Float.Extra.toFixedDecimalPlaces 1 (100 * bottom.value / top.value) ++ "%") ]
        |> svg [ viewBox (-w / 2) 0 w h, fontFamily [ "sans-serif" ] ]

data : List Datum
data =
    [ { title = "Total"
      , value = 54809
    , { title = "Helpful"
      , value = 29434
    , { title = "Qualified"
      , value = 10345
    , { title = "Successful"
      , value = 3432

main =