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Color Space Interpolations

Edit on Ellie

Color Space Interpolations

This module shows how to build some simple colour space palettes.

module ColorSpaceInterpolations exposing (Model, main)

import Color exposing (Color)
import Example
import Html exposing (Html, div)
import Html.Attributes exposing (href, style)
import Interpolation exposing (Interpolator)

type alias Model =
    { startColor : Color
    , endColor : Color
    , count : Int

palette : Model -> (Color -> Color -> Interpolator Color) -> Html msg
palette model colorSpaceInterpolator =
    div [ style "display" "flex", style "flex-grow" "1" ]
        (Interpolation.samples model.count
            (colorSpaceInterpolator model.startColor model.endColor)
            |> List.map
                (\color ->
                    Html.div [ style "background-color" (Color.toCssString color), style "flex-grow" "1" ] []

view : Model -> Html msg
view model =
    Html.div [ style "display" "flex", style "min-height" "100vh", style "padding-right" "10px", style "flex-grow" "1" ]
        [ Html.div
            [ style "flex-grow" "1", style "margin-right" "20px", style "display" "flex", style "flex-direction" "column" ]
            [ title "rgb" "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RGB_color_model"
            , palette model Interpolation.rgb
            , title "hsl" "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV"
            , palette model Interpolation.hsl
            , title "hslLong" "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV"
            , palette model Interpolation.hslLong
            , title "lab" "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIELAB_color_space"
            , palette model Interpolation.lab
            , title "hcl" "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HCL_color_space"
            , palette model Interpolation.hcl
            , title "hclLong" "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HCL_color_space"
            , palette model Interpolation.hclLong

title : String -> String -> Html msg
title label url =
    Html.h3 [ style "margin-bottom" "5px", style "margin-left" "5px", style "font" "16px -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, \"Segoe UI\", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" ]
        [ Html.a [ href url ] [ Html.text label ]

main : Example.Program Model
main =
        { startColor = Color.rgb255 0 255 0
        , endColor = Color.rgb255 255 2 0
        , count = 50
        [ Example.colorPicker "Start Color" .startColor (\v m -> { m | startColor = v })
        , Example.colorPicker "End Color" .endColor (\v m -> { m | endColor = v })
        , Example.intSlider "Number of Colors" { min = 3, max = 100 } .count (\v m -> { m | count = v })
        |> Example.withTitle "Color Space Interpolations"
        |> Example.application view