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Layered Tree

Edit on Ellie

Layered Tree

Shows the behavior of the Hierarchy.layered attribute: when present, each level of depth of the tree is rendered at the same y offset. When this is absent, the tree is free to use up space much more efficiently rendereing a potentially significantly smaller diagram.

module LayeredTree exposing (main)

import Color
import Hierarchy
import Path
import Shape
import Tree exposing (Tree)
import TypedSvg exposing (g, rect, svg)
import TypedSvg.Attributes exposing (dy, fill, pointerEvents, stroke, style, transform, viewBox)
import TypedSvg.Attributes.InPx exposing (fontSize, height, rx, width, x, y)
import TypedSvg.Core exposing (Svg)
import TypedSvg.Types exposing (Paint(..), Transform(..), em)

w : Float
w =

h : Float
h =

padding : Float
padding =

layout : Bool -> Tree { x : Float, y : Float, width : Float, height : Float, node : { height : Float, width : Float } }
layout layered =
        [ Hierarchy.nodeSize
            (\{ width, height } ->
                ( width, height )
        , Hierarchy.parentChildMargin 20
        , Hierarchy.peerMargin 20
        , if layered then


main =
    svg [ viewBox 0 0 w h ]
        [ g []
            [ TypedSvg.text_ [ x padding, y padding, dy (em 1), fontSize 18, TypedSvg.Attributes.fontFamily [ "sans-serif" ] ] [ TypedSvg.Core.text "Non-layered" ]
            , view (layout False)
        , g [ transform [ Translate (w / 2) 0 ] ]
            [ TypedSvg.text_ [ x padding, y padding, dy (em 1), fontSize 18, TypedSvg.Attributes.fontFamily [ "sans-serif" ] ] [ TypedSvg.Core.text "Layered" ]
            , view (layout True)

view : Tree { x : Float, y : Float, width : Float, height : Float, node : { height : Float, width : Float } } -> Svg msg
view layedOut =
    g [ transform [ Translate (padding + w / 4) padding ] ]
        [ layedOut
            |> Tree.links
            |> List.map
                (\( from, to ) ->
                        [ ( from.x + from.width / 2, from.y + from.height )
                        , ( to.x + to.width / 2, to.y )
            |> (\p ->
                    Path.element p
                        [ fill PaintNone
                        , stroke (Paint (Color.rgb 0.3 0.3 0.3))
                        , style "vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke"
                        , pointerEvents "none"
        , layedOut
            |> Tree.toList
            |> List.map
                (\item ->
                    rect [ rx 5, width item.width, height item.height, x item.x, y item.y, fill (Paint (Color.rgba 0.1 0.1 0.8 0.3)), stroke (Paint (Color.rgba 0.1 0.1 0.8 1)) ] []
            |> g []

tree : Tree { width : Float, height : Float }
tree =
    Tree.tree { width = 100, height = 50 }
        [ Tree.tree { width = 60, height = 140 }
            [ Tree.singleton { width = 60, height = 160 }
            , Tree.tree { width = 100, height = 100 }
                [ Tree.singleton { width = 40, height = 40 }
                , Tree.singleton { width = 40, height = 40 }
            , Tree.singleton { width = 120, height = 160 }
        , Tree.tree { width = 20, height = 20 }
            [ Tree.singleton { width = 100, height = 100 }